IWM Implementation Manages Four Billion Cubic Meters of Water

تاریخ انتشار : 1400/11/04 - ساعت انتشار: ١٤:١٩ - گروه خبری : اخبار قدیمی

Head of FRWO announced that more than 4 billion cubic meters of rainfall have been managed in the recent floods by implementing IWM and aquifer recharge projects in the flooded areas in the southern provinces of Iran.

According to FRWO's website, Massoud Mansour during the visit to flooded area on Saturday said that in order to prevent flood damage and control floods and runoff, the implementing IWM and aquifer recharge projects in the flooded areas is absolutely necessary.

He stated: "considering the runoff coefficient in different southern provinces such as Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan, Fars, Kerman and Sistan & Baluchestan, rainfall has led to the creation of about 17 billion cubic meters of runoff that the factors including intensity of rainfall, type of geological formations and vegetation cover plants are among the factors affects on runoff coefficient".

Regarding the effectiveness of IWM projects in the recent floods in the southern regions of the country, Head of FRWO reminded: "A study of IWM and aquifer recharge projects carried out in rain-affected provinces in January shows that more than 12.5 million hectares of watersheds in these provinces have detailed executive studies, however, some9, 800 thousands hectares of it have been overshadowed by the executive activities of IWM and aquifer recharge projects".

"Research shows that flood damage is reduced by 70% in watersheds where IWM projects have been implemented", Mansour said.

Referring to the allocated compensation budget for flood damage by the Government, he said: "FRWO's proposal is to spend part of this budget in the IWM sector and FRWO asks for the Government's contribution to FRWO in order to the implementation of IWM projects on the eve of the budget approval for the next year."


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  • ستاد مرکزی:
    تهران - بلوار ارتش - بعد از مینی سیتی - کدپستی 1955756113
    تلفن: 4-02122446540 و 02122488530 و 02122446503
    دورنگار: 02122488556
    ملاقات مردمی: 02122488476
    پاسخگویی به شکایات: تلفن 02123563478 و فاکس: 02122488557
    آدرس تارنما: www.frw.ir
    صندوق پستی: info@frw.ir

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    چالوس - میدان معلم(مخابرات) - کدپستی ۴۶۶۱۹۵۳۵۳۷
    تلفن: 01152226521
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